In another display of the overwhelming power of the public school system, a Tennessee father was arrested for trying to pick his child up from school at the end of the day. The dad arrived by foot to pick his son up from school at 2:00pm, the school’s dismissal time. However, he was told that he could not walk his son out due to a new school policy of only dismissing car riders at 2:00pm. Any student walking has to wait until 2:35pm to leave. The father pointed out that the new policy was likely intended for kids walking home alone – not for children whose parents are there to walk them out.

Unfortunately for everyone, the school resource officer was in the office at the same time and decided that the father was being belligerent and rude. He warned the dad that he would be arrested if he didn’t stop agitating for his son’s release.

When the father insisted that he did not need a reason to take his son out of school and that the school has no legal grounds to keep his son until 2:35, the officer pressed forward.

“I’m going to call some help down here and we’re going to take you up to the jail right now… I’m not putting up with this today. You’re being childish and it’s uncalled for.”

In the end, the father does not back down from his argument. The school has no right to hold his son against his parents’ will – which is when the officer arrests him for being “disorderly.” Fortunately for us, it was all caught on video, and we can see just how long the arms of the law can be – even unjust law.