Category Archives: Veterans

The Islamist Threat to America


via The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck


CBN News terrorism expert Erick Stakelbeck discusses the threat that Islam poses to America.


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Dems’ ‘don’t impeach Obama’ email backfires


Suddenly, millions of Americans talking about ousting president

Published: DREW ZAHN via WorldNetDaily


A long-time strategy of the political left has been to take its most threatening opponents – and those enemies’ most damaging arguments – and mock them, as though they’re ludicrous to even consider.Usually, the bullying technique results in marginalizing the opponent and silencing his or her arguments.But sometimes, it backfires.A recent Democratic National Committee email to supporters, for example, attempted to blackball four Republican congressmen for daring to suggest President Obama could be impeached for repeated violations of the Constitution.“Republicans are actually excited about the idea,” the email scoffed. “Show these Republicans they are way, way off-base.”But the email may have gotten more attention than the DNC intended.Highlighted by WND, the Daily Caller, Fox News and the Drudge Report, the email has now been seen by tens of millions of Americans.

Read more via Dems’ ‘don’t impeach Obama’ email backfires.

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Obama FBI Partners With Leftist Extremist Group

Obama FBI Partners With Leftist Extremist Group

Get Informed, Stay Informed and Pass It On – Remember, It Only Takes  a Spark To Get a Fire Going!

NOVEMBER 23, 2013 BY  via Western Journalism

Photo credit:  StretchyBill (Creative Commons)

Photo credit: StretchyBill (Creative Commons)

“The magnitude of this Obama administration’s “progressive” radicalism becomes more evident with each passing day. In recent months, there has been a drastic spike in acts of both anti-Christian and anti-conservative discrimination and intimidation on military bases across the country. This mounting harassment is not being carried out at the hands of regular enlisted folk but, rather, at the hands of high-ranking officials who, in their official capacity, are targeting Christian and conservative organizations and individuals in an effort to silence them.

It has long been suspected that the Obama administration is using propaganda circulated by the roundly discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing extremist group that, in recent years, has adopted two primary goals: 1) raising truckloads of money and 2) smearing as “domestic hate groups” dozens of mainstream Christian ministries like the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA.)

This suspicion has now been verified.

The problem on military bases has gotten so bad, in fact, that the U.S. Congress is demanding answers from the Pentagon. Recently, the AFA-affiliated newsgroup reported that “Congressman Alan Nunnelee (R-Mississippi) is 1 of 38 members of Congress signing off on a letter to the Secretary of the Army – especially about an incident last month at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, in which the Tupelo-based American Family Association was labeled in Army training material as a ‘hate group.’ The Army initially claimed it was an isolated incident.

“‘But as we looked into it, [we found] this is not an isolated incident,’ Nunnelee [told] OneNewsNow. ‘There are a number of cases where the Army has singled out the American Family Association and other Christian organizations as hate groups, and service men and women have been threatened with sanctions if they support these groups.”

After a tremendous public outcry – and in an embarrassing slap to the face of the SPLC – the Pentagon quickly backpedaled, later apologizing about the Camp Shelby incident and publicly admitting that, despite the SPLC’s absurd claims to the contrary, the AFA is not a “hate group.”

Still, rather than distancing itself from the anti-Christian SPLC as one might expect, the Obama administration has, instead, strengthened ties to the hard-left outfit. Even after this string of military scandals.

For instance, I recently learned that on its official website, the FBI lists as one of its primary “hate crimes resources” the Southern Poverty Law Center.

This is especially mysterious when you consider that the FBI’s own verified hate crimes statistics are completely at odds with numbers put out by the SPLC in its fundraising propaganda. Whereas the FBI indicates that there was a sharp 24.3 percent decrease in hate crimes from 1996 to 2010, with racial hate crimes dropping by 41.9 percent, the SPLC incongruously claims that since 2000, the number of “hate groups” has somehow increased by 67.3 percent.

So send your money right away!

The FBI’s empirical data doesn’t track with the SPLC’s political propaganda. Consequently, by partnering so closely with this discredited organization, the Department of Justice significantly undermines its own credibility.

Still, while the SPLC has proven utterly unreliable in its actuarial acumen – as well as intentionally dishonest – it has also proven demonstrably dangerous in its prolonged campaign of anti-Christian agitation.

You may recall that it was the Southern Poverty Law Center’s somewhat clever, yet patently dishonest and reprehensible, strategy of juxtaposing, as fellow “hate groups,” mainstream Christian organizations like the FRC and the AFA alongside violent extremist groups like the Aryan Brotherhood and the Skin Heads that, on Aug. 15, 2012, led to an actual act of domestic terrorism.

On that date, “gay” activist Floyd Lee Corkins II – who later confessed in court that he was spurred-on by the SPLC’s anti-Christian materials – entered the lobby of the Washington-based Family Research Council intending to kill every Christian within.

Corkins was armed with both a gun and a backpack full of ammunition. He also had 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches that he intended to rub in the faces of his would-be victims. (FRC had recently defended the food chain’s COO Dan Cathy for pro-natural marriage statements he made.)

The only thing standing between Corkins and mass murder was FRC facilities manager and security specialist Leo Johnson. As Corkins shouted disapproval for FRC’s “politics,” he shot Johnson who, despite a severely wounded arm, managed to tackle Corkins and disarm him….”


Obama FBI Partners With Leftist Extremist Group.

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A Random Act Of Patriotic Kindness – The American’s Creed | Allen West

A Random Act Of Patriotic Kindness

written by Allen West on November 12, 2013 via AllenBWest.Com

Download The American’s Creed

I’m sitting here at the Denver International Airport awaiting a Frontier flight to Salt Lake City. I was recognized by a retired USAF fighter pilot who flew A-10 Warthogs– Army guys love that plane. As we were sitting and chatting, a young Frontier employee came by and asked if we were veterans. We replied, “affirmative ma’am.”She thanked us and gave us both a card, which contained a personal note from her, J. Noble, and the American’s Creed. The Creed was written by William Tyler Page and was adopted by the US House of Representatives on April 3, 1918. It says in part:“I believe in the United States of America…established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives…It is my duty to my Country to love it, support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect the flag, and to defend it against all enemies.”Thank you so very much Ms. Noble for this subtle reminder of why I am a Guardian of the Republic. To all of you reading this, I humbly ask that this evening you take the time as a family or just yourself, and recite this Creed, if you believe in it. Then print it out, frame it, and display it in your home. Molon Labe!

via A random act of patriotic kindness | Allen B. West – AllenBWest.comAllen B. West –

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Obama Administration Says Treaties Trump the US Constitution

Obama Administration Says Treaties Trump the US Constitution

OCTOBER 30, 2013 4:47 PM via FreeiNews.Com
Obama Administration Says Treaties Trump the US Constitution

“The Obama administration is arguing before federal court that TREATIES should trump the CONSTITUTION… please SHARE this.His goal is total power. He wants to be able to bypass the constitution to regulate guns, the Internet, and who knows what else. This is tyranny. Barack Obama must be removed from office…


The Constitution is the standard we should evaluate treaties — and not the other way around. If a treaty violates the constitution, then the treaty was never signed in a legal manner in the first place.

Sen. Ted Cruz agrees. Remember, Ted Cruz was a Harvard lawyer who was a former law clerk under William Rehnquist, the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Here’s what the Washington Examiner reports:
Justice Department attorneys are advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow the government to invoke international treaties as a legal basis for policies such as gun control that conflict with the U.S. Constitution, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. 

Their argument is that a law implementing an international treaty signed by the U.S. allows the federal government to prosecute a criminal case that would normally be handled by state or local authorities.

That is a dangerous argument, according to Cruz.

“The Constitution created a limited federal government with only specific enumerated powers,” Cruz told the Washington Examiner prior to giving a speech on the issue today at the Heritage Foundation.

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“The Supreme Court should not interpret the treaty power in a manner that undermines this bedrock protection of individual liberty,” Cruz said.

In his speech, Cruz said the Justice Department is arguing “an absurd proposition” that “could be used as a backdoor way to undermine” Second Amendment rights, among other things.

Please note that just recently, Obama was pushing for an anti-gun UN treaty. This is NOT just theoretical danger — Obama intends to use treaties to attack the constitution and has made that very clear.
Ted Cruz is right, the Obama administration is wrong, and the constitution is under attack. Please spread the word about this… grassroots activism is our strongest defense at this point.”

Original link:

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Benghazi… Obama’s 10PM Call to Clinton Was About Crafting a “Cover Story” While 2 Victims Were Still Alive

Benghazi… Obama’s 10PM Call to Clinton Was About Crafting a “Cover Story” While 2 Victims Were Still Alive

Posted on May 30, 2013 by Dean Garrison

Obama_Benghazi“On Tuesday Night Charles Krauthammer dropped another Benghazi bombshell on The O’Reilly Factor. He claims that the President’s phone call to Hillary Clinton was made so that they could develop their “cover story” shortly before she released this statement at approximately 10 PM:

I condemn in the strongest terms the attack on our mission in Benghazi today. As we work to secure our personnel and facilities, we have confirmed that one of our State Department officers was killed. We are heartbroken by this terrible loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those who have suffered in this attack.

This evening, I called Libyan President Magariaf to coordinate additional support to protect Americans in Libya. President Magariaf expressed his condemnation and condolences and pledged his government’s full cooperation.

Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.

In light of the events of today, the United States government is working with partner countries around the world to protect our personnel, our missions, and American citizens worldwide.

The first confirmed death would have been Sean Smith whose body was found some six hours before this statement was issued. It is Charles Krauthammer’s contention that at least two of the victims were still alive when Clinton’s statement was released and also during the President’s call to Clinton.

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I think there is a bigger story here that will in time come out. The biggest scandal of all, the biggest question is what was the president doing in those eight hours. He had a routine meeting at five o’clock. He never after during the eight hours when our guys have their lives in danger, he never called the Secretary of Defense, he never calls the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he never called the CIA Director, Who does he call? But five hours in he calls the Secretary of State. And after the phone call she releases a statement essentially about the video and how we denounce any intolerance. It looks as if the only phone call is to construct a cover story at a time when the last two Americans who died were still alive and fighting for their lives. There’s the scandal and that has to be uncovered.

It should also be noted that roughly four hours before Clinton issued her statement there was an email sent to the White House. reports:

6:07 p.m.: The State Department’s Operations Center sends an email to the White House, Pentagon, FBI and other government agencies that said Ansar al-Sharia has claimed credit for the attack on its Facebook andTwitter accounts. (The existence of the email was not disclosed until Reuters reported it on Oct. 24.)

Krauthammer’s reasoning is solid. Government officials were already aware at this point that Al Qaeda linked terrorists were claiming credit for the attack. Obama and Clinton likely had to get their story straight before Clinton released her statement.

Krauthammer is not the only one questioning this phone call. AIM’s Andrew McCarthyreported on May 22nd:

“What would you be focusing on in the Benghazi investigation?” I spent many years in the investigation biz, so it’s only natural that I’ve been asked that question a lot lately.

I had the good fortune to be trained in Rudy Giuliani’s U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan. Rudy famously made his mark by making law enforcement reflect what common sense knew: Enterprises take their cues from the top. Criminal enterprises are no different: The capos do not carry out the policy of the button-men – it’s the other way around.

So if I were investigating Benghazi, I’d be homing in on that 10 p.m. phonecall. That’s the one between President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – the one that’s gotten close to zero attention.

Benghazi is not a scandal because of Ambassador Susan Rice, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland, and “talking points.” The scandal is about Rice and Nuland’s principals, and about what the talking points were intended to accomplish. Benghazi is about derelictions of duty by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton before and during the massacre of our ambassador and three other American officials, as well as Obama and Clinton’s fraud on the public afterward.

In another stunning turn of events, WND’s Aaron Klein broke a huge story on Wednesday that uncovered a non-reported Library of Congress document from August 2012:

A Library of Congress report that received almost no media attention detailed – one month before the deadly Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi – how al-Qaida established a major base of operations in Libya in the aftermath of the U.S.-NATO campaign that deposed Muammar Gadhafi and his secular regime.

The report documented al-Qaida and affiliated organizations were establishing terrorist training camps and pushing Taliban-style Islamic law in Libya while the new, Western-backed Libyan government incorporated jihadists into its militias.

The document named Benghazi as a new central headquarters for al-Qaida activities.

Amazing. The Library of Congress reports that Benghazi, Libya is the new central hub for Al Qaeda activities in the region and Clinton and Obama insisted on trying to spin this incident. The report is 54 pages but if you would like to see it, you can find it here.

The question remains the same.

What did Obama know and when did he know it?

As more and more people are forced to perjure themselves in order to cover for the president, we get closer and closer to the truth.”


Request Denied Benghazi

3 Times Denied Benghazi

Aircraft Benghazi

Demand Investigation Benghazi

Say No To Hillary Benghazi

Navy Seals Benghazi

Stand Down Order Benghazi

Left To Die Benghazi

Who Should Be Relieved Of Command Benghazi

What Difference Does It Make Benghazi

Never Forget Benghazi

Just Remember Charles Woods Benghazi

Battling Boys Of Benghazi

Benghazi Is Not Going Away

Benghazi 911

Rest In Peace Benghazi

What Could There Possibly Be To Cover Up?



Muslim Brotherhood Web Of Deceit


Muslim Brotherhood In Administration

Terrorist Training Camps In US

Why Do You Not Acknowledge These Training Camps?

DHS Rightwing Extremism PDF Image

Yet, You Label These Citizens As Terrorists?

ACA Dhimmitude Trick

Obama Facts

Obama Social Security Number

Obama Fake Social Security Number

Obama Connecticut Social Security Number

Obama Phony Social Security Numbers

Obama Failed E-Verify

Who Is Barry Soetoro

Barry Soetoro Columbia ID

Obama Indonesian Document

But You Said That You Went By No Other Name


Are You A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood?

Obama Hope n Change

Extortion 17

How Stupid

Phony Scandals Benghazi

Reagan Liberal Friends

Reagan Kissing US Flag

Patriot Definition

We Will Not Forget Benghazi

Wanted Treason

Benghazi Ribbon

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OUTRAGEOUS: Veterans Receiving Letters Prohibiting The Purchase, Possession, Receipt, Or Transport Of A Firearm/Ammunition

OUTRAGEOUS: Veterans Receiving Letters Prohibiting The Purchase, Possession, Receipt, Or Transport Of A Firearm/Ammunition…

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via ConservativeInfidel.Com
Posted on Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 at 2:56 Patrick Henry

Written By Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D. Via Red Flag



Written By Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D.

How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.

What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?

That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me. It is being sent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of America’s heroes. In my capacity as Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) I have been contacted by some of these veterans and the stories I am getting are appalling.

The letter provides no specifics on the reasons for the proposed finding of incompetency; just that is based on a determination by someone in the VA. In every state in the United States no one can be declared incompetent to administer their own affairs without due process of law and that usually requires a judicial hearing with evidence being offered to prove to a judge that the person is indeed incompetent. This is a requirement of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states that no person shall “… be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law…”.

Obviously, the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t be bothered by such impediments as the Constitution, particularly since they are clearly pushing to fulfill one of Obama’s main goals, the disarming of the American people. Janet Napolitano has already warned law enforcement that some of the most dangerous among us are America’s heroes, our veterans, and now according to this letter from the VA they can be prohibited from buying or even possessing a firearm because of a physical ormental disability.

Think about it, the men and women who have laid their lives on the line to defend us and our Constitution are now having their own Constitutional rights denied. There are no clear criteria for the VA to declare a veteran incompetent. It can be the loss of a limb in combat, a head injury, a diagnosis of PTSD, or even a soldier just telling someone at the VA that he or she is depressed over the loss of a buddy in combat. In none of these situations has the person been found to be a danger to themselves or others. If that was the case than all of the Americans who have suffered from PTSD following the loss of a loved one or from being in a car accident would also have to be disqualified from owning firearms. It would also mean that everyone who has ever been depressed for any reason should be disarmed. In fact, many of the veterans being deprived of their rights have no idea why it is happening.

The answer seems to be it is simply because they are veterans. At the USJF we intend to find the truth by filing a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Veterans Affairs to force them to disclose the criteria they are using to place veterans on the background check list that keeps them from exercising their Second Amendment rights. Then we will take whatever legal steps are necessary to protect our American warriors.

The reality is that Obama will not get all of the gun control measures he wants through Congress, and they wouldn’t be enough for him anyway. He wants a totally disarmed America so there will be no resistance to his plans to rob us of our nation. That means we have to ask who will be next. If you are receiving a Social Security check will you get one of these letters? Will the government declare that you are incompetent because of your age and therefore banned from firearm ownership. It certainly fits in with the philosophy and plans of the Obama administration. It is also certain that our military veterans don’t deserve this and neither do any other Americans.


– Michael Connelly, J.D.

Executive Director, United States Justice Foundation


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Time To Unite Patriots The Hour Is Drawing Near

Time To Unite Patriots The Hour Is Drawing Near

Posted on October 27, 2013 by 

Image of Senators

“We all remember the story of Chicken Little. Many patriot’s today are telling of a falling sky and to be honest, I have tried to stay away from this venue. Even amongst the Tea Party and some of the Prepper’s, one can be labeled as wearing a tin foil hat if you go to far out there with conspiracy theory.

What I am about to relate is NOT conspiracy theory nor is it ”TIN FOIL HAT” thought processes. These are FACTS and should be taken very seriously, then shared with everyone you know.

A bit of background is needed before I get into the heavy fear mongering that I will be labeled by the left as doing for merely writing this.

Just before the Iowa Caucuses in 2012, I was called by the International Agency in Des Moines, Iowa to address a group of Arab Spring Journalist that were stopping over in Des Moines. As memory serves me, there were some 22 or 27 of these reporters from the Middle East. They were all from Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and other Arab Spring countries. They had wanted to hear from a “Tea Party” point of view about grassroots organizing in an effort I suppose, to see if it was similar to what they had pulled off in their own countries. Myself and several of our fellow patriots went to a hotel meeting room just up the street from the Capitol. This is when the fun really started.

As I was giving my presentation about our early day heroes such as John Adams, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, I am stopped by one of the reporters for a question. The question came from an impeccably dressed and groomed younger fellow who introduced himself and asked this question. Mr. Crow, you tell us that America cherishes liberty, freedom and capitalism. You tell us of the price your country paid for such liberty, then if you believe all of this, can you explain to us why you elected a Marxist Muslim for President of the United States? The question so stunned me that I had no response and could only ask a question. My response was this; how many of you here believe America elected a Marxist Muslim for President?


After the meeting concluded, the young man came up to me and said this. “Your problem in America is that you did not believe it could happen to you”. I suppose I had a deer in the headlight look because he continued. He went on to explain that “the entire world knew what Barack Obama was, America was the only country that did not”. Who was the young man you ask? He was the new superstar for Al Jazeera from Cairo, Egypt. We ended up having a conversation that last about 15 minutes and when he was concluded, there was now zero doubt in my mind what Barack Obama was. The part that frightened me so much was; I now had confirmation of what Barack Obama thought, felt and had been taught for nearly his entire life. You have all seen the photo’s and video’s of his conduct amongst senior Muslim leaders. I will refrain from rehashing, but do know that this is actually important for later.

The purpose of todays column is to let you know it is time to begin unifying in mass as a major force in America.

It is time to put aside your own selfish agenda’s to be your own little serfdom leaders of your own little groups. It is time we select some Tea Party spiritual leaders if you will. We need a Herman Cain, Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck. We need them to be out front giving guidance. We all need to unite at a central location and speak with one voice. I look around here in Iowa and it is to be candid with you; SICKENING! Every little group numbering from 25-250 or so decided in the last election to support a different candidate. They all did so under the auspices of “we are grassroots” and we have no leadership. You can now all see how well that worked out! It is time for the Tea Party Patriots and Jenny Beth Martin to merge with Judson Phillips and Amy Kramer. It is time to speak with one voice America for at present we are divided and we will fail and get more Barack Obama’s.

Barack Obama is about to push the Senate Bill S-744 hard! Do your research America!

This bill will legalize some 15 million criminal aliens. The bill is designed and wraps around Obamacare. This is not tin foil hat theory, this is fact. The bill grants any employer that fires an American and hires an illegal (who now possesses an RPI card from Homeland Security) the $5000 penalty that the employer would have paid for the American, it is now paid by the government for the illegal with the card. The bill goes further and in section 2101, pages 64-67 it grants Homeland Security the ability to expunge the criminal record of the alien. IE; If the alien had 3 or more DUI’s, the record is now expunged and he starts fresh. If the alien was convicted of Child Abuse or Spouse Abuse the record is now cleaned for a new life. There are literally dozens of other crimes the criminal alien could have committed and they are now expunged. This is what Barack Obama is pushing so hard to get the House to approve.

Talk about guns for a moment. I won’t get into whether Sandy Hook or Aurora was pre-planned or not, there are many theories. This newest article from NBC today on how many children are injured should give you an indication of where this is going. Obama clearly stated in his Rose Garden address just after the Senate shot his gun legislation down the last time. HE WON’T STOP UNTIL HE GET’S STRICTER GUN LAWS! Go replay the video and watch his facial expressions and the level of his anger. It is all real, he is not acting. He wants guns out of Americans hands!

We must unite to form one massive voice. My fellow patriots, we have some 20-25 million of us that are registered members of a Tea Party. WE have some 40 million more that think and vote with us. We must unite!

Today; I am officially calling on Jenny Beth, Amy Kramer, Judson and other major leaders to step forward and do what is necessary to unite this great group of patriots. I am calling you out because it is time. I am calling you out because your nation needs you to take charge, be leaders and stop playing the games. It is time to be true leaders, guide these patriots and stop the splintering of what could be a grand unstoppable force for the good of America. As my favorite redneck would say; Git r dun!

In closing patriots, if we do not unite, this S-744 will get done in some similar fashion in the House by Boehner and Obama. The gun laws will get stricter and we will have lost America forever. I cannot stress to you enough the damage that both of these will do to America. The bill S-744 will finish off our economy for good and I don’t need to elaborate on the gun issue. America is about to be lost and we are the only group trying desperately to preserve her and we must unite to accomplish this.

PS; The reason that Obama’s religion is of importance is pretty simple actually. He seeks the destruction of America in all areas. He seeks it economically, militarily and spiritually. Simply look at what he has done to our nation in these areas and you too will cry as I have.”

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Ken Crow

President at Ken Crow
Founder and President of Ken Crow .us ( Conservative Writer~Author~Speaker~Activist Co-Founder; Tea Party Co-Founder: Tea Party of America Regular patriotic motivational speaker at events across America. If you need your crowd inspired and motivated “I am your patriot”. Grassroots organizer and conduit between the Tea Party and candidate campaigns who seek higher office. I love God, all things American, my family and friends and will never apologize for or be politically correct.

As a PS to Ken’s article, I would also like to add that it is important to know our enemy and that the usurper in office is a master of al-taqiyya (lying to further Islam)

Christianity and Islam: A side by side comparison-

The Religion of Peace-

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Camp FEMA: American Lockdown – FULL MOVIE

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown – FULL MOVIE


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The Daily Sheeple
October 26th, 2013

FEMA camps or concentration camps? Anyone who still believes these camps are there to help and assist is insane.

Via From The Trenches World Report

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

– See more at:

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SEAL Team 6 Was Set Up

SEAL Team 6 Was Set Up

Extortion 17

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On August 6, 2011, a military helicopter—Extortion 17, carrying thirty-eight men, including seventeen of the elite SEAL Team 6—was shot down over Taliban-controlled territory in eastern Afghanistan. It was the worst loss of life in a single day suffered since the Afghanistan war began.


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Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats


Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats


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Published October 24, 2013

Shown here are the old Marine hats, left, compared to the new ones, right.NEW YORK POST

A change to the Marine Corps’ uniform hats could leave hard-nosed Leathernecks looking a lot less macho. 

According to the New York Post, President Obama’s plan to create a “unisex” look for the Corps has officials on the verge of swapping out the Marines’ iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so “girly” that they would make the French blush. 

“We don’t even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women’s hats!” one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. “The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous.” 

The thin new hats have a feminine line that some officials think would make them look just as good on female marines as on males – in keeping with the Obama directive. 

They have been dubbed the “Dan Daly” hat, after a sergeant from Long Island who won the Medal of Honor in World War I. 

But some Marines love the old hat, which has been in use since 1922 and think the new hat is a glorified “porter’s cap.” 

This is not the first hat controversy for the military. During his tenure as Army chief of staff, Eric Shinseki, who is the current Veterans Affairs secretary, implemented the wearing of a black beret for all Army personnel. Prior to that policy, only U.S. Army Rangers could wear the black beret. After Shinseki’s directive, Rangers moved to a tan beret.

Click for more from The New York Post.

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Sebelius: We Are Bringing Western Civilization to Its Knees With Obamacare

In a bizarre statement, US Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius said that, “As you know, we’re facing the end of the Western Civilization by having a market-based strategy. We are bringing Western Civilization to its knees by selling private insurance plans on a website where people can pick and choose.” At face value, this could imply any number of things including a bold-faced admission that ObamaCare is the end of the Western Civilization health care system. View the rest of the bizarre and infuriating interview in the link above.

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Obama to Allow Amnesty Rally on National Mall After Kicking Veterans Out

Obama to Allow Amnesty Rally on National Mall After Kicking Veterans Out

Last week, Barack Obama did a disgraceful thing in barricading the World War II Memorial and then later forcing Vietnam Veterans from the Vietnam Memorial. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid then attempted to blame the Republicans for the barricades. Now, on the very same Mall that those Memorials reside on, the Obama administration has decided to hold a massive rally for comprehensive immigration reform on Tuesday.

According to Charlie Spiering at the Washington Examiner:

A planned immigration reform rally will take place on the National Mall on Tuesday even though the site is closed due to the government shutdown.

Organizers for the “Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform” were spotted Monday setting up a stage and equipment on the National Mall for the rally which will take place on Tuesday.

A few scattered barriers around the park have signs informing visitors that the area is closed as a result of the government shutdown.

Spiering writes that that Susana Flores, a spokesman for the rally confirmed that the group would be allowed to hold their event due to their rights, which are protected under the First Amendment. Well, Hell’s Bells! Why are the veterans who fought to uphold the document that is supposed to protect such rights not given theirs?

On top of this, Lawmakers in Congress like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) are expected to be at the event, which is expecting about 10,000 people.

Various immigration activist organizations, along with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO will be on hand as well.

This event is already a setup for more political theater. As Breitbart’s Tony Lee writes:

immigration-rally-arrest-apBreitbart News has obtained emails in which an immigration campaign organizer for the Center for Community Change (CCC), a liberal grassroots organizing group working with a Hispanic advocacy group and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), sent an email this week asking for at least 200 people to to volunteer to get arrested at an immigration rally in Washington, D.C. in acts of civil disobedience.

The CCC email lists four ways supporters can help the the various pro-immigration reform advocacy groups on October 8:

4 Ways to support October 8th Action in DC:

Participate as an arrestee in the Civil Disobedience: October 8th

Civil Disobedience Registration Form.

**Help us reach our Goal of 200 arrestees!!!

House Republicans continue work on immigration reform, which we already know is going to be a disaster. Hopefully it will be better than the Senate version, but the pressure to cave on the issue is mounting, just like it is on Obamacare.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), chairwoman of the House Republican conference, told Univision on Sunday “there’s still time” for immigration reform and that it is a “priority” for Republicans.

“We must pass immigration reform,” McMorris Rodgers said

According to a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), immigration reform is next on the agenda following the government shutdown and debt ceiling debates.

The fact that a push for amnesty for people who are in this country illegally is being allowed on the National Mall, while veterans who fought and bled are turned away is beyond repulsive. This is nothing more than the Obama administration rubbing the people’s noses in his tyranny. I’m wondering just how long it will be until those in our military realize a domestic enemy of the Constitution resides in the White House and there are many of his comrades in Congress. When will the oath apply to defend the Constitution against such enemies?”

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Ten Obvious Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

 via TheReligionOfPeace.Com

Ten Obvious Reasons Why
Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

 #1 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islamin just the last ten years.  (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).
 #2 Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion.  This included women.  Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
 #3 Muhammad said in many places that he has been “ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.”  In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured lootsex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives.  Hebeheaded captivesenslaved children and raped women captured in battle.  Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
 #4 After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Fatima, Muhammad’s favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died.  She even miscarried Muhammad’s grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.Fatima’s husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad’s favorite wife – and one whom he had said was a “perfect woman.”  10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad’s death.Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered.  All of them were among Muhammad’s closest companions.  The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned).  The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth.  The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad’s two favorite grandsons.  The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.

The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad’s family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time.  Within 50 short years of Muhammad’s death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war…

And that’s just the fate of those within the house of Islam!

 #5 Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam.  Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands.A mere 25 years after Muhammad’s death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.
 #6 Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves.  To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah. None of these other religions are at war with each other.
 #7 Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves.  This is according to theexample set by Muhammad.
 #8 Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human.  Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder, but that a Muslim could never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.


The Qur’an never once speaks of Allah’s love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah’s cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims more than 500 times.
 #10 “Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!”
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93) Home Page

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OUTRAGE: Obama’s DHS Advised by Muslim Who Admits Radical Islamic Ties, Had Access to Top Security Documents and Information!

OUTRAGE: Obama’s DHS Advised by Muslim Who Admits Radical Islamic Ties, Had Access to Top Security Documents and Information!

October 7, 2013  //  By: 


“On September 12, 2013, just a day after the 9/11 anniversary, a Muslim by the name of Mohamed Elibiary tweeted about his promotion to “Senior Fellow” on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

Yep… he was promoted.

I’m honored to be reappointed to Secretary’s Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) and promoted to Sr. Fellow position @DHSgov #Service

— Mohamed Elibiary (@MohamedElibiary) September 12, 2013


More about the promotion can be found here.

Now we learn this.

A prominent Muslim advisor at the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has close ties to a convicted Hamas fundraiser and other radical Islamist causes, including a nonprofit that proclaims sharia is the only legitimate law according to Islam.

It gets worse.

Incredibly, this Homeland Security advisor, Mohamed Elibiary, has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism.

While this may seem incomprehensible to many, it’s all documented in a disturbing report published this week by the Center for Security Policy, a Washington D.C. think tank dedicated to promoting national security. The 33-page document is actually based on a lengthy, five-part interview with Elibiary, an influential member of Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council.

Elibiary admits he’s a longtime friend of a self-described Islamist (Shukri Abu Baker) convicted in 2008 of financing the terrorist organization Hamas through his U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, the Holy Land Foundation. Elibiary reveals that he donated to the Holy Land Foundation monthly until it was shut down by the U.S. government and he defends Baker, depicting his prosecution as a case of political persecution.

He also admits knowing the Muslim Brotherhood “social network” and supports a partnership with Islamists, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. and abroad. “I simply find it counterproductive to American national security interests to treat the Muslim Brotherhood like the mafia, Nazi party, fascists, communists or any other entity we politically ostracize,” Elibiary says. He adds that Muslim Brotherhood members “naturally exist everywhere at this point, but that’s not a problem in and of itself because there have been MB members inside the US abiding by the law for a very long time.”

So to clarify, the DHS brought on a Muslim advisor who had ties to radical Islamic terrorists, gave him access to top security information then promoted him, only to (after several years) find out he had the close ties through his own admission?

What kind of operation is Homeland Security running???”

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FreedomWorksForMe.Com They Will Lead You To Action

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One Million Vets To March On DC 10-13-2013


One Million Vets To March On DC 10-13-2013

by Before It’s News – Saturday, October 5, 2013

(Before It’s News)

One million Veterans are planning a walk on Washington DC to protest against this incredibly corrupt administration and how they are treating American vets since the US government shutdown began and what is happening to America. While Barack Obama has come out on the attack against US War Veterans, Americans are getting angry and getting organized. A going viral facebook page has been set up for the march, which coincidentally will be held on October 13th, 2013, the last day of a truckers shutdown America protest in DC as well. Two video reports about the march and protests also below.

new rally is forming, “Million Vet March On The Memorials” that will be held 9am October 13, 2013 at the war memorials in Washington D.C.

The group is fed up with veterans being used as political pawns and are calling all patriots to attend, via their facebook page:

We are all military brats, current and former military spouses and some veterans. We cannot express how utterly disappointed we were that our Greatest Generation were being used as political pawns in the ongoing government shutdown and budget crisis. This should never be the case.

We do not care what political leanings you may be; be it liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent or whatever. The actions of the U.S. government this week with regard to barricading and shutting down the World War II Memorial to veterans, that may or may not be on their last trip to Washington DC, is a despicable act of cowardice.

Veterans this week were unwillingly pitted as pawns in this crisis. We feel that this should never be the case. This is why we will go to Congress after the budget crisis and ask for a bill to be introduced that would prevent any member of the government from closing our memorials down to any American, except for maintenance purposes. In the meantime, we will have our March in Washington DC on October 13th! Our veterans deserve that!

Read Article at BeforeItsNews.Com 

Inoculating Against Islam

“Inoculating Against Islam

via Political Islam // Articles // Inoculating Against Islam.

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“Every since 9/11 Americans, including Christians, have been converting to Islam or become apologists for Islam. Can this be stopped and how?
There are many reasons they choose Islam. Islam is furiously masculine and today Christianity has become feminine, yin, in its approach to life. So, if you are a woman and want a more masculine man, you are much more apt to find that in Islam. Also, if you are a woman and want a husband, Muslims are the marrying kind. Then, there are people in this world who want discipline and Islam certainly gives structure. Once you get on the Islam train you no longer have to worry about choices. Islam tells you how to eat, have sex, brush your teeth, use the bathroom and every other aspect of life. There is also the social bonding of being in a tight knit group-club. These are a few of the reasons people convert.
Preventing conversion is easy to accomplish by inoculating anyone with what Islam really is. One reason that Kafirs (non-Muslims) convert is that they do not know the complete Islam. They are only told about the first stage of Islam – loving what Allah loves. Converts are never told that the final stage is to hate what Allah hates. Allah hates the Kafir and Kafir civilization, such as free speech and equal rights. The convert has been exposed to the “good stuff”, but does not know the full doctrine of a dualistic Islam. The other side of the “good stuff” is darkness such as jihad, abuse of women and slavery.
The problem is that we have all been told that we cannot understand Islam and that Islam is found in the Koran. We are told that it is way too complex and subtle. The only to know Islam is to ask a Muslim or an establishment “expert”. This is absolute garbage. Islam is Allah and Mohammed, pure and simple. To know Islam, know Allah and Mohammed. Allah is hard to understand, at first, but there is an easy shortcut. The Koran tells us that Mohammed is the perfect pattern of life for all Muslims and that every Muslim should imitate Mohammed. His life example is so important that it has a special name, the Sunna
If you count up all the words in the Koran and the words devoted to Mohammed, there is about six times more text devoted to Mohammed than to Allah. Mohammed solves the problem of how to know the true nature of Islam.
Everybody knows someone who has tried to read the Koran and never finished it. Islam seems like a tropical jungle, deep and complex. But that is not true, since Islam is both Allah and Mohammed.
Allah may be hard to understand, but anybody can understand Mohammed. The reason is simple. We have his official biography (called the Sira) and it is a fascinating, ripping read. After Mohammed is born he soon becomes an orphan. He married and became a successful businessman, then a prophet of Allah. He preached Islam for 13 years and converted 150 Muslims. Next he became a politician and jihadist for his last 10 years. When he died every Arab in Arabia was a Muslim. The Sira has religion, plots, spies, war, torture, secret agents, slavery, sex, jealousy and more. It is one of the world’s great stories.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, can understand the story of a man’s life. Mohammed is the perfect Muslim. When you understand Mohammed, you can easily understand the Koran and you can understand Islam….”

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FBI’s rogue L.A. field office has a Muslim mole

“FBI’s rogue L.A. field office has a Muslim mole

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by: Creeping Sharia
via FBI’s rogue L.A. field office has Muslim mole.
The FBI field office that defied clear and direct orders from Washington headquarters to “cease contact” with a terrorist front group at the same time allowed a Muslim agent investigated for compromising a major terrorism case to remain on the squad, WND has learned.
After the FBI banned the Council on American-Islamic Relations from its counterterror outreach programs in response to evidence the group fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian terrorist branch Hamas, the FBI’s Los Angeles field office liaisoned with CAIR in violation of official policy, according to a just-released report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.
Several directives sent from FBI headquarters required all of the bureau’s field offices to “cease contact with CAIR as an organization,” yet the L.A. office refused to comply with the command and even sent out an internal email advising personnel to ignore it.
GOP Rep. Frank Wolf, whose House judiciary subcommittee oversees the FBI’s budget, wants officials there fired.
“This is insubordinate behavior,” Wolf wrote the FBI director. “The findings in this report suggest the FBI may have a systemic problem.”
In fact, that same rogue L.A. field office happens to employ Muslim agents sympathetic to CAIR – including an Egyptian-American agent investigated for allegedly compromising a national counterterror probe that involved cells in Los Angeles, New York and Boston….” 

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Not Registered As A Free Student Yet? Course 134 – Mary Mostert – Dictatorial Rule versus Self Government

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Not Registered As A Free Student Yet? Course 134 – Mary Mostert – Dictatorial Rule versus Self Government

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In 1770 John Adams had upheld the English system of law by defending Captain Preston, who had been in command of the British Troops during the Boston Massacre.  He and his legal team had built a strong case around Captain Preston’s and the soldiers’ natural right of self-defense in English law.  The witnesses for the defense of the British officer were very different from the stories on the street, in the newspaper, or from the prosecution that had 94 depositions from people claiming to have witnessed the “murdering” of the citizens, viciously and without cause.

John Adams won the case based on the dying words of Patrick Carr to his doctor, John Jeffries. Jeffries testified that Carr told him he was: “”a native of Ireland, that he had frequently seen mobs, and soldiers called upon to quell them…he had seen soldiers often fire on the people in Ireland, but had never seen them bear half so much before they fired in his life” as the British soldiers had in Boston.  Carr believed Preston and his soldiers acted in self-defense.
John Adams said, “We talk much of liberty and property, but if we cut up the law of self-defense, we cut away the foundation of both.” 
In summation he said, “Facts are stubborn things.  And whatever may be our wishes, our inclination or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. Nor is the law less stable than the fact.  The law, in all vicissitudes of government, fluctuations of the passions or flights of enthusiasm, will preserve a steady, undeviating course; it will not bend to the uncertain wishes, imaginations and wanton tempers of men. The preservation of liberty depends upon the intellectual and moral character of the people.  As long as knowledge and virtue are diffused generally among the body of a nation, it is impossible they should be enslaved””[1]

When news of the Boston Tea Party reached London in early 1774, members of Parliament were enraged and determined to coerce the Americans into submission and promptly passed four “laws” which, had they applied to a foreign nation, would have been considered acts of war.  Those four acts were known as the “Coercive Acts” and the first of them closed the port of harbor “until restitution was made to the Dutch East India Company for the tea.”

Other bills included the Massachusetts Government Act that limited town meetings in the colony to one a year; the Administration of Justice Act that set up a Royal Appointment Council, appointed by the King, to take the place of the Massachusetts councils elected by the people of the colony.  The fourth bill was the Quartering Act that was passed to force the people within town limits in Massachusetts to house the British soldiers, instead of them being housed in garrisons.  There would be no popular meetings or freedom of the press allowed.  The colonists were to be ruled with unelected, crown appointed rulers that had dictatorial powers and an army, housed within the homes of Massachusetts citizens, to enforce the dictator chosen thousands of miles away by a king who had never set foot in the colonies.

By then a small group of elected leaders in the various colonies had begun communication with one another through a Committee of Correspondence and Inquiry that had been formed by a small group of Virginians under Thomas Jefferson.  When that committee learned what had happened in Massachusetts, the Virginia House of Burgess put aside all other business and discussed the Crown’s treatment of Massachusetts and then passed a resolution setting apart the first day of June for a day of “fasting and prayer.”

The purpose of those prayers would be to “ask for divine intervention to avert the heavy calamity threatening destruction of our rights and all the evils of civil war; and to give the people one heart and one mind in firmly opposing every injury to American liberties.”

The day after the Virginia Resolution was passed, Lord Dunmore, Virginia’s Royal Governor, dissolved the elected House of Burgess.  That action prompted other colonies to follow Virginia and Massachusetts’ lead and for George Washington to write to his friend, George William Fairfax:

“Members convened themselves at the Raleigh Tavern and created an association to take some vigorous and effectual measures to obtain that justice which is denied to our Petitions and Remonstrances and Prayers; in short the Ministry may rely on it that Americans will never be taxed without their own consent and despotic measures in respect to Boston will not be tolerated.”

Washington did not approve of the destruction of the tea, but on the other hand he also was “not prepared to be sacrificed by piece meal with a cruel and blood thirsty enemy upon our backs, the Indians, between whom and our frontier inhabitants many skirmishes have happened and with whom a general war is inevitable whilst those from whom we have a right to see protection are endeavoring by every piece of art and despotism to fix the shackles of slavery upon us.”

[1] John Adams by David McCullough 2001 – pg. 70

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Mary Mostert has written articles on political and social issues for more than 60 years, including a weekly newspaper column for Gannett Newspapers. She has written four books, including books on the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution.  Her e-mail and website is

The George Washington School of Freedom
2975 W. Executive Pkwy, Suite 183
Lehi, UT 84043

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Atlas Shrugs

Wednesday, October 02, 2013


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Bravo to the WWII vets

This is consistent with Obama’s pattern to punish the American people. Time and time again, when the petulant president doesn’t get it his way and his way only, he strikes out at the American people. Now he is threatening these 80- and 90-year-old vets with jail if they visit their memorial, an open air memorial honoring their sacrifice. I hope he does. Obama does everything for PR effect, so let him try arresting these heroes. Perhaps younger vets won’t take to it too kindly, and this will be the shot heard round the world.

Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown” Northwest Ohio News (thanks to Suzanne)

TOLEDO –In and around the Glass City, effects of the government shutdown can be seen at our museums, monuments, and national parks. The gates are closed and locked, denying access completely to the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. Transportation Safety Administration employees were still working at Toledo Express Airport on Monday, but when WNWO called the TSA to find out if they would be affected, there was a message that said the public relations representative did not have access to her voicemail or email due to the government shutdown….”

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Did you know that the Obama Regime has a special Muslim Brotherhood ‘SHARIA’ czar in the White House?

Did you know that the Obama Regime has a special Muslim

Brotherhood ‘SHARIA’ czar in the White House?




Did you know that the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has more chapters in universities across the United States than Democrat and Republican chapters combined? Did you know that Islam is being promoted as a ‘civilization alternative’ for America by Muslim Brotherhood operatives, including CAIR?

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Islam: Satan’s Pit-Bull

PitBullby Pete Parker

“The recent terrorist attack in Kenya once again demonstrates that Islam is, indeed, Satan’s pit-bull. The sheer barbarity of the assault (innocent men, women and children executed at close range) underscores a vile dogma that has demanded the rape, torture and slaughter of millions of “infidels” since its nascency in the bowels of hell centuries ago.

Those who espouse the notion that the savagery perpetrated in Kenya is a gross and unfair mischaracterization of Islam are…”

Read the rest of this Liberty Alliance article here:

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Faithful Earth


Faithful Earth

Online Christian Community

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Is Barack Hussein Obama A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood

Scroll Down For Video

Obama Facts

Wanted Treason

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Video: Early Muslim Extremists In American History

Early Muslim Extremists In American History

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Can Muslims Confront Muslim Evil And Remain Muslim?

“Can Muslims Confront Muslim Evil And Remain Muslim?

By  / 27 September 2013 / 

With the most recent massacre of innocent lives by Muslim terrorists in Nairobi, Kenya, and the terrorist killings of about 80 Christians at a church in Pakistan, many people and pundits are calling on Muslims and Muslim leaders to condemn their brothers in an attempt to bring the Islamic terror, if not to an end, perhaps they can at least slow it down or give it a time out.  But is that really possible?

Is it possible to reason with those who terrorize and murder? Is it possible to use logic and reason on those who train and plot and murder innocent men, women and children, and then leap in the streets with the joy and enthusiasm of having had your team win the championship?  Is it possible to reason with those who not only murder, but do it in the name of Muhammad, in the name of Allah, in the name of justice? And not only is that, but all the more frightening, they do so based upon the teachings of their holy books, their religious foundation?…”


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