Tag Archives: Mexico

Muslim Terrorists Crossing US/Mexican Border

Muslim Terrorists Crossing US/Mexican Border

taken from post @ via TheCentralKentuckyPatriot.Com

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Obama Orders Priests Arrested If They Say Mass On Military Bases

via Western Journalism

Obama Orders Priests Arrested If They Say Mass On Military Bases

military bible 300x200 Obama Orders Priests Arrested if they say Mass on Military Bases

Over the course of history, dictators have seen the Catholic Church as an obstacle to their power. Since King Barack has been sitting on his Washington throne he has targeted Christians in general and adherent Catholics in particular. A close second target has been the United States military which has been abused and attacked by all manner of assaults from drastic cuts to the forced introduction of Gay troops whose primary purpose is to demoralize Christians and drive them out of their chosen Service.

Earlier this year King Barack ordered military priests not be allowed to read a letter to Catholic troops written to them by their Bishop because He didn’t like what was being said about his Gay troops edict.

He has also ordered those who even “think” (yes just think), ill of homosexuals being in their ranks be kicked out of the Service.

It is, therefore, not surprising that King Barack is using the phony crisis, he himself has created, during this government shutdown to mount a new and perhaps the most vicious of his attacks on Catholics and their priests serving in our military.

Under the cloak of the usual weekend news blackout where virtually no reports of any value are posted, King Barack has used a royal edit to command that any Catholic priest who dares say mass on a military base during the shutdown be arrested. Yes that said arrested!

The British did this for hundreds of years in Ireland, but even that ended in the late 19th century.

Since the beginning of the last century we have seen the original thug gangsters that ran Mexico round up and shoot priests; Stalin murdered priests; Franco of Spain imprisoned priests; the Chinese Communists imprisoned tortured and murdered priests as did the Cambodians. Today we such behavior only from Islamists; and the President of the United States who wants to arrest Catholic priests who dare to act as Catholic priests.

Twenty five percent of our military are members of the Catholic Church. They have a right to receive the comfort and joy provided by their priests; but that means nothing to King Barack.

Catholics who voted for King Barack share the blame for what this enemy is doing.

Photo Credit: Standard Compliant

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/obama-orders-priests-arrested-say-mass-military-bases/#rFQBad2d1CIusiA5.99

Obama Orders Priests Arrested If They Say Mass On Military Bases.

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